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Wordscapes - Solve Crossword Puzzle & Improve Your Vocabulary

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If you’re looking for a simple and fun word game that can help improve your vocabulary, then try Wordscapes by PeopleFun. It’s a casual word puzzle game where you try to complete the crossword. But unlike typical crosswords, you will have to fill up the boxes with words coming from the letters you see below. It’s a simple but fun game that gets challenging as you progress.

Let’s discuss in more detail the gameplay of Wordscapes as well as the features that it offers. It will help you better understand how the game works and what you can expect from it.

Find the Words & Solve the Crossword in Wordscapes

Wordscapes is a crossword puzzle game where your goal is to fill up all the boxes to complete a level. But instead of looking at the meaning to find the word, you are given letters. The letters will allow you to form words that will fill up the crossword box. You’ll have an easier time doing it at first since the crosswords are short. You will only have three letters, which means all the words you’ll find are just three-letter words.

But as you get to the higher ones in the game, it becomes tougher. It’s because you’ll get more letters. It also means the words you need to find are longer. These will help build up your vocabulary more since you’ll deal with tougher words. But even at the beginning, you might come across words that you’re not familiar with yet. Wordscapes features hints for you to use in case you get stuck. But the hints are limited, so use them wisely. You can also shuffle the arrangements of the letters to possibly help you see new words.

How this Word Puzzle Game is Played

The gameplay of Wordscapes is simple and easy to learn. You will have jumbled letters placed at the bottom and you just link them to form a word. Make sure you link the letters in their correct order to form the word. Once you complete the crossword puzzle, you move to the next level. Remember that levels in the game become tougher as you progress.

In case you identify a word that’s not part of the crossword, it will be placed in the bonus section. It won’t help you progress in Wordscapes. But it can increase the coins you earn. The coins are used to pay for the hints. So, the more coins you have in Wordscapes, the more hints you can use. You’ll use them as you reach higher levels. You’ll also love that Wordscapes features a leaderboard. There’s a world leaderboard and a country leaderboard. This will make the game more exciting to play.

Iconic Word Game Features to Discover

  • Many different levels for you to complete
  • Nature-themed background
  • World and Country leaderboard to know where you stand
  • Play daily and improve your vocabulary

If you’re a fan of word games like this one, then check out Crossword Jam. If you want to try other word gameplay, then try Word Blitz. Both are fun and exciting word games that will also test your vocabulary. Get these games now here in Games.lol.



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How to Install

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on your computer.
gameslol desktop shortcut Open the Playstore
(Desktop shortcut).
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games and enjoy!

Minimum System Requirements

You can install Games.lol on any PC that meets the following requirements:

OS Icon Operating System

Windows 7 or above

CPU Icon Processor

Intel or AMD


At least 2GB


5GB Free Disk Space


OpenGL 2.0+ support

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