Yeah bunny
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Adrian Zarzycki

Yeah Bunny - Run to Collect Keys & Carrots

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Enjoy exploring cute worlds while collecting keys and carrots in Yeah Bunny by Adrian Zarzycki. It’s an action platformer game where you control a cute bunny and explore different zones. As you explore these areas, you try to collect as many carrots and keys as you can. But you also have to be careful of the different obstacles and enemies you’ll encounter.

Let’s further talk about the gameplay of Yeah Bunny to help you learn how you’ll play it. We’ll also look at the features so you can see what to expect from this platformer.

Avoid Obstacles while Collecting Keys & Carrots in Yeah Bunny

One of the main objectives in Yeah Bunny is to collect as many carrots and keys as you can as you run across the level. Carrots are the game’s resources and you can use them to revive your bunny in case you die. It will allow you to continue where you died instead of starting at the beginning of the level. Keys in the game are needed to unlock different zones for you to explore.

Though the objective is simple, achieving them is not easy. It’s because of the many obstacles and enemies you have to deal with. There will be moments in Yeah Bunny where you’ll miss out on a carrot or key because you have to dodge an obstacle. Don’t worry about that because that’s normal. Besides, you can always repeat levels in Yeah Bunny just to collect more carrots and keys.

How is Yeah Bunny Played?

It’s easy to learn how to play Yeah Bunny. You will encounter signs in the first level that will teach you the basics of the controls. There’s only one control you have to worry about and that’s jumping. Your bunny will automatically run forward toward the end of the level. You just have to worry about jumping on time in Yeah Bunny to avoid obstacles and enemies or collect keys and carrots.

You will have three jumps to use in Yeah Bunny. There’s the normal jump, the double jump, and the jump off the wall. All jumps are useful in the game and will help you collect carrots and keys, as well as avoid obstacles. Once you reach the end of the level in Yeah Bunny, you just move on to the next and face new challenges ahead.

Compelling Action Platformer Game Features

  • Nine different and awesome worlds to explore and run through
  • 48 different levels for you to complete
  • Beat four bosses
  • Three unique pocket climate zones to visit

Action platformers are always fun to play. This is why they are still widely sought after today. Some fun platformer games you can play that are similar to the one discussed above are Blobout or the retro 90s game Sonic CD Classic. Both are fun platformers that also present some challenging gameplay for you to enjoy. They’re available here in for free.



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How to Install

gameslol playstore download Click "Download"
on the website.
gameslol installing playstore Install the Playstore
on your computer.
gameslol desktop shortcut Open the Playstore
(Desktop shortcut).
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games and enjoy!

Minimum System Requirements

You can install on any PC that meets the following requirements:

OS Icon Operating System

Windows 7 or above

CPU Icon Processor

Intel or AMD


At least 2GB


5GB Free Disk Space


OpenGL 2.0+ support

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