Frozen City
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Century Games Pte. Ltd.

Survive the Snowy Apocalypse in Frozen City

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Frozen City game by Century Games Pte. Ltd. is a thrilling city-building simulation game that takes place in an icy wasteland. As the chief of the last town on Earth, players must lead a group of survivors and gather resources to rebuild society. Set in an ice-snow apocalypse, the game requires players to collect resources, assign survivors to work in various facilities and explore the wilderness in teams.

Survive in a Snow-Covered Apocalypse

In the Frozen City game, players must not only gather resources and assign survivors to work but also maintain their basic needs such as food and shelter. The harsh snow and ice environment means that players must pay attention to the temperature and ensure that their survivors are adequately clothed and fed. As players progress, they have the opportunity to expand their frozen cities and entice additional survivors to join their community.

Exploring the wild is a crucial part of the game, as players send out teams to discover new resources and unravel the mystery behind the apocalypse. The game’s immersive storyline keeps players engaged as they collect valuable information and items to help their town survive.

The challenging gameplay of Frozen City is one of its most electrifying features. Players must be strategic and think on their feet to ensure the success of their town. The production chain aspect of the game adds an extra layer of complexity, as players must balance production and supply to ensure that their town continues to thrive.

How to Survive the Apocalypse in Frozen City

To play Frozen City, players must first gather resources and assign survivors to work in various facilities. They must also maintain the basic needs of their survivors such as food and shelter while ensuring their physical and mental health. Players must explore the wilderness in teams to uncover new resources and gain valuable information to help their town survive.

The production chain aspect of the game requires players to process raw materials into living items and set a reasonable production ratio to improve the town’s operation. With challenging gameplay, players must balance production and supply while expanding their town and appealing to more survivors to join their community.

Overall, Frozen City is a challenging and immersive simulation game centered around building a city in a world ravaged by snow and ice. With its hardcore gameplay, production chain aspect, and immersive storyline, Frozen City offers a unique and thrilling experience for players who enjoy survival simulation games.

Frozen City Game Features

  • Gather resources and assign survivors to work in various facilities
  • Maintain the basic needs of survivors like food and shelter
  • Venture into the wild and discover untapped resources and information
  • Process raw materials into living items
  • Expand your town to attract more survivors
  • Hardcore gameplay with challenging elements

Are you ready to take on the challenge of surviving in a snow-covered apocalypse? Download and play Frozen City on, today! And while you’re at it, be sure to check out other exciting simulation games like Fallout Shelter Online and Zero City: Last Bunker.




How to Install

gameslol playstore download Click "Download"
on the website.
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on your computer.
gameslol desktop shortcut Open the Playstore
(Desktop shortcut).
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games and enjoy!

Minimum System Requirements

You can install on any PC that meets the following requirements:

OS Icon Operating System

Windows 7 or above

CPU Icon Processor

Intel or AMD


At least 2GB


5GB Free Disk Space


OpenGL 2.0+ support

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