Vehicle Simulator
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CARDS-G Car And Racing Driving Simulator - Games

Vehicle Simulator – Enjoy Driving Different Types Of Vehicles

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If you have always wanted to try driving different types of vehicles, then you’ll enjoy playing Vehicle Simulator. It’s a casual simulation game where you get to try driving different types of vehicles.

This includes piloting aircraft or steering ships. What’s interesting about the game is that there are many different activities for you to do inside. It’s not just a simulation game where you get to practice driving, piloting, or steering these vehicles.

Try Driving Different Vehicles in the Game

What’s fun about Vehicle Simulator is the fact that it allows you to experience driving different types of vehicles. Want to drive a sports car? You got it. How about a motorbike? They have that too. A bicycle? Yes, there’s also one. A plane maybe?

You can try it out as well. This gives you plenty of options on the kinds of vehicles that you can try in the game. What’s even better is that each vehicle type also gives different kinds of choices. Like there are different sports cars available, as well as different aircraft. Most of them are locked.

So, you need to unlock them first and use them in Vehicle Simulator. But that’s okay. That’s part of the challenge the game provides. Speaking of challenge, that’s one of the game modes you can play. Let’s now look at how to play the game.

How Vehicle Simulator is Played

The first thing you’ll do when you play Vehicle Simulator is to decide the vehicle you want to play. There are many options available so have fun picking. The next thing you’ll do is to decide the game mode you want to play in.

You can choose to do a City Tour where you get to drive or fly around various destinations in the city. There’s also Free Play where you have the freedom to do whatever you want in the city. There’s also the Challenge mode, where you get to complete various challenges.

You can see the vehicles you’ll use for each challenge. There’s also the Fun Traffic mode where other vehicles are present in the city, as well as the Fun Challenge mode. The last mode you can play is the Drift Race.

But it’s only available on certain vehicles in Vehicle Simulator. It’s a fun and awesome game that you’ll surely enjoy.

Features of the Simulation Game

  • Enjoy driving different types of vehicles
  • Have fun with the different game modes available
  • Experience what it likes to fly an aircraft or steer a ship.
  • Complete fun challenges

Do you enjoy playing driving simulation games like this one? Then you should also try playing Ultimate Car Driving Simulator or Car Driving School Simulator. Both are fun games where you simulate driving.




How to Install

gameslol playstore download Click "Download"
on the website.
gameslol installing playstore Install the Playstore
on your computer.
gameslol desktop shortcut Open the Playstore
(Desktop shortcut).
gameslol access top games Access your favorite
games and enjoy!

Minimum System Requirements

You can install on any PC that meets the following requirements:

OS Icon Operating System

Windows 7 or above

CPU Icon Processor

Intel or AMD


At least 2GB


5GB Free Disk Space


OpenGL 2.0+ support

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