Card Thief Tips & Tricks – What Every Beginner Must Know

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Posted on April 2, 2022

Last 2017, Arnold Rauers released a card-based stealth game called Card Thief. In this game, you will play with a deck of cards as a stealthy thief. As the title suggests, you will take the role of a thief who will sneak around shadows, pickpocket guards, extinguish torches, and take significant treasures without being caught. But with the help of our Card Thief Tips, you can easily outsmart the guards.

Generally, Card Thief offers a solitaire-style gameplay experience where you can get involved in four heists, and each filch depicts unique enemies and obstacles. As you take part in the heists, you need to collect up to 12 equipment upgradeable cards and use them in executing your strategies.

Card thief gameplay
Image Source: Card Thief Gameplay


Card Thief Tips & Tricks for Beginners

If you think playing this stealth-based game is easy, you better think twice. You need to invest in tons of strategies that align with your goals. However, with our Card Thief Tips, you can at least improve your gameplay primarily in clashing enemies. At the same time, you can start accumulating treasures in no time. Here are the things you must know about Card Thief as a beginner.

Card thief stealth


Know Basics of the Gameplay

If you’re not knowledgeable about this type of game, you better not miss knowing the basics in order to understand the game better. Keep in mind that there’s no such thing as a time limit, especially in creating your moves. You can freely utilize the whole time, and there’s no need to pressure yourself; instead, focus on your movements.

Furthermore, the cards you need to focus on Card Thief are the basic cards. Among the cards in this game, Barrels are the best ones. Once you’ve landed on this type of card, your Stealth will revive to 10. As you play Card Thief, you should always opt to achieve more Stealth as you do your moves and deeds, and these barrels are perfect for your goal.

Another card you must opt for is the Feet. It is a card that can give you ample Stealth boost and keep your Stealth high. This card should be your second priority, especially if the Barrels are not within your reach. And as for a healthy tip, you must also try to extinguish the torches along your way to prevent your enemies from being more assertive. Additionally, you must work on keeping your stealth points as high as you can.

Card thief feet


Don’t Let Guards Catch You

Aside from opting for cards that can boost up your Stealth, you also need to keep yourself away from the eyes of the guards. To effectively know if a guard is watching you is through looking the direction of the guard is facing. From there, you can plan on your next moves and direction where to go. You can also try navigating the eye icon located at the top of the game screen, and you’ll be notified once guards are watching you.

Take note that in the time that the guards catch you, your stealth points will be deducted. That explains why you need to grind for cards that will boost your Stealth. And once the guards have captured you and you have less Stealth and becomes out zero, the game will be over. Moreover, remember that when guards smell suspicious movements, they tend to follow you. Once this situation happens, don’t panic as the guard will only move one step, and yes, it’s not yet the end of you. Just be vigilant enough and react responsibly once the guards get apprehensive.

Card thief guards


Dealing With the Treasures

As mentioned above, you will also need to collect treasures in playing Card Thief. Once you see one, don’t rush to pick them up. Another trick in playing this game is the longer you prolong the time of picking up the chest, the better chance of getting great rewards. Therefore, it’s best to open those treasure chests behind time. Once you’ve looted the chests, ensure that you’ll use them after every run. Take note as well that there are treasure chests that bear insignias. You can use these types of loots to unlock a piece of equipment.

Card thief treasures

Whenever you get some goodies, you tend to be excited to unlock them. But, like chests, it’s best to play for more time before you open it. By following this tip, you can achieve stuff such as arrows that you can use against the guards and distract them. Moreover, remember that you need to save your bonus stealth card and don’t use it unless you badly need it! When you’re on the run, it’s best to avoid tight spots and be calm enough to think of a strategy on how to get out of predicaments.

So, there you have it! We hope that these Card Thief tips helped you a lot in boosting your overall gameplay in this exciting card-based stealth game. For more information, updates, tips, and tricks about various card games stay tuned here at

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