Injustice 2 Characters – Complete Tier List

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Posted on April 26, 2022

The war of the world has begun.

Are you a fan of fighting games? How about the DC Universe heroes, heroines, and villains? Well, if your answer to these questions is yes, then you should have known by now what Injustice 2 is. To start, it’s an action game that’s the perfect marriage between the DC Universe and an all-out superhero fighting game battle. Furthermore, this game features all the DC Universe characters you have known and loved and even hated – Injustice 2 Characters. Imagine your favorite superhero duking it out with the villains of the universe. Moreover, add in a little pinch of high definition super moves, and you’ve got the recipe for the perfect superhero fighting game.

Injustice 2 has the complete list of the who’s who in the DC Universe, all the superheroes and villains you can think of. Additionally, each of them has its own special powers and high-flying super moves. So don’t worry if you find yourself confused with the characters. For this reason, we are ranking all of them from best to worst and have grouped them in tiers.

Injustice 2 gameplay trailer
Image Source: Injustice 2 Gameplay Trailer

But before we go any further, let us remind you that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This tier list is also based on Injustice 2 games and not an actual representation of the strength or weakness of a DC Universe character. As such, don’t be mad if you find your favorite hero low on the list.

Here is how we will present the tier list. We will be dividing the characters into six tiers – S-Tier, A-Tier, B-Tier, C-Tier, D-Tier, and E-Tier. The strongest characters will be in the S-Tier while the worst characters will be in the E-Tier.

S-Tier Injustice 2 Characters

The S-Tier characters are the best of the best here in Injustice 2. These characters are the most powerful characters in this DC Universe. Even more so, they can easily dominate their opponents in any match as long as you know how to use them. You will surely need to master how to use S-Tier characters if you want to be very competitive in tournaments.

So, here are the DC Universe characters who we think are worthy to be included in this list.

  • Black Adam
  • Starfire
  • Doctor Fate
  • Catwoman
  • Wonder Woman
  • Batman
  • Red Hood


Injustice 2 gameplay


A-Tier Injustice 2 Characters

This tier consists of characters that can also be considered very powerful. However, they’re not as powerful and versatile as the S-Tier characters. But in the right hands, these characters can still dominate their opponents with ease. However, a little more mastery is needed to be very competitive when using them.

Therefore, you can still be competitive when using them in tournaments and online plays, but be sure to master how to use them properly to dominate every match. You may also have a harder time defeating S-Tier opponents but it’s still very possible, especially when used right.

  • Supergirl
  • Hellboy
  • Firestorm
  • Black Mantra
  • Poison Ivy
  • Superman
  • Flash

B-Tier Injustice 2 Characters

B-Tier characters are those we consider a little above average. However, they do have some good qualities that can help them win matches. Make no mistake because they also have a few weaknesses that your opponents can pick on. Moreover, these characters can still be powerful enough to win games even competitively, but they may not be the best choice for those who want to ensure a win.

  • Robin
  • Green Arrow
  • Aquaman
  • Darkseid
  • Blue Beetle
  • Green Lantern
  • Scarecrow
  • Cyborg
  • Atrocitus
  • Enchantress
  • Sub Zero

C-Tier Injustice 2 Characters

Those who are in the C-Tier are those we consider “middle of the pack” characters. They are the ones we can consider average at best. Even though they will never be the most powerful characters, they are also not the weakest. If you’re looking to play Injustice 2 casually or are just starting in the game, then these characters can be a viable option for you to play with.

  • Deadshot
  • Harley Quinn
  • Cheetah
  • Bane
  • Captain Cold

D-Tier Injustice 2 Characters

D-Tier characters are below average characters who we can’t consider powerful. As such, this drastically impacts their viability as a competitive character. We would assume that you will have a very difficult time defeating higher-tier characters, especially among more experienced players. However, you can still use them if you opt to play casually, but you will be better served using higher-tier characters if you plan to be competitive.

  • Joker
  • Black Canary
  • Swamp Thing


Injustice 2 fight


E-Tier Injustice 2 Characters

This tier consists of characters that we consider the worst in the game. They are the ones who you should not bother with because they will definitely not be viable for competitive gaming. However, if you’re looking for a challenge or would just want to have some fun, then you can go ahead and use them. But if you’re looking to be competitive, then you should avoid them.

  • Gorilla Grodd
  • Raiden

Although there are heroes that we deem as powerful and those that we consider weak, it’s still up to you to master how to use them. While the strength and viability of a character do give players an edge, nothing still trumps mastery of Injustice 2. For more tier lists, game guides, and reviews, check out our gaming blogs here in

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