Township Zoo – What Every Player Needs to Know

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Posted on October 16, 2021

Published by Playrix, Township is a casual game that focuses on building a city and farming. Though most developers excessively utilize this type of gameplay, Playrix finds its way to set itself apart from the usual city-building games. It emphasizes more on the connection of size and prosperity of each player’s town to the economic factors such as industry, trading, and farming.

Township is a game that revolves around building a town and a farm simultaneously, which aims to create a powerful sense of community in a digitized town. Its core concepts are to promote responsibility, multitasking, and hard work as well. Players don’t need to buy anything as a freemium game, but some can make in-app purchases to get some rare stuff or progress faster.

What is the Township Zoo?

As you progress through the casual simulation game, you will be able to unlock the Township zoo. You can have this part of your city as you reach level 24. To unlock it, you can quickly restore the zoo entrance across the train station. You can enhance your zoo by collecting Township building enclosures and animal cards and buying animals as well.
Township Zoo

If you want to get exciting rewards and unlock reward chests, you need to fill in the orders from the visitors and animals. Also, it would be best if you decorated your Township zoo. The more animals you achieve, the more decorations you can choose. Animal cards are achievable by opening reward chests, winning regattas and events, or obtaining them through filling zoo orders.

Where to Acquire Animals for Your Township Zoo?

You must collect all the cards first before welcoming an animal to its enclosure. If you’ve already built an enclosure, choose the animal from the collection album and name it. Then, the animal will be delivered to its enclosure. You can change the name if you want to.
Township Zoo Animal

However, if you still don’t have an enclosure built, you can create one using a tab in the zoo shop. To build Township zoo enclosures, you need at least one animal card in a particular family. Once you’ve got all four animal family members to the enclosure, you will get Township cash. There are 50 enclosures available, and each type corresponds to Township cash too.

By the time you already have the 85 cards, you will get 10 to 25 Township cash rewards. Keep in mind that collecting animal cards requires a whole lot of patience.

How to Get Animal Cards?

There are various ways on how to get animal cards. The first one is through participating in regattas and events. You can also win them through the House of Luck and get them in the mine. Additionally, you can trade your regatta tokens at the Yacht Club through regatta seasons.

Furthermore, you can obtain animal cards by earning reward chests by sending off full planes. Animal cards are also found at sea through treasure chests brought from an island. You can also obtain these cards by your daily bonus and earn them as your reward in expanding your city.

If you have no time exploring the options mentioned above, you can get them straight to the Township zoo shop and spend your Township cash. You can either trade your cash in exchange for card doubles or by gems. You better check out every daily special offer at the Zoo shop.

What Are the Distinctions Between Cards?

Each animal card depicts a rarity, and you can discover it with its color. Regular animal cards have brown backs, rare ones have blue, and epic cards possess yellow backs. When we say regular cards, these are the adult animals. As for rare and epic cards, these are first baby and second baby animals, respectively.
Township Animal Cards

Remember, the rarer the card, the more challenging it is to achieve them. So, you better test your luck and find your strategies to get rare and epic cards. However, you still need to get regular cards for you to achieve more animals.

How to Fill In Zoo Orders?

Each day, animals and zoo visitors will ask you for some goods. You can accomplish these orders alone or with the help of your friends. Once you fill in the zoo orders, you will get experience points and coins in exchange. You will also get a chance to unlock reward chests and obtain animal cards and other exciting prizes.

Keep in mind that there will be a maximum of eight orders in a given period. You will get new orders every 3 hours. You can actually track when the new orders are available through the timer beneath the order window of the Zoo Order Board.

Final Thoughts

With its gameplay and mechanics, players will have no reason to get bored in playing Township. Along with developing a city and farm, you can also discover animals through the Township zoo, where your enthusiasm to collect animals will be tested.

Indeed, this casual game is worth playing, and there will be no dull moments as there are a lot of things you can do in this game. So, are you ready to restore your Township zoo? Get into level 24! Start the thrill of collecting animals and decorating your zoo now!

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